The use of digital technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic
During the closure of many institutions, the introduction of restrictions and number of changes in the usual life, it is extremely important for representatives of key groups to receive information concerning them quickly and easily.
For the first time, within the framework of a communication campaign, a mobile application “Salomat Bosch!” was represented in Tajikistan. It can be used in a broad risk assessment of behavior and was developed with the participation of #SoS_project, UN WOMEN Tajikistan and the Central Asian Association of PLHIV, Kazakhstan. The content of the application was formed with the participation of the community representatives, after conducting focus groups, which discussed the content, design and usability.
“Salomat Bosch!” includes information about HIV and targeted care. And while maintaining confidentiality, you can assess your behavioral risks and make a decision about getting an HIV test. Also, as part of #SOS_project, we regularly published success stories, all events were highlighted on the organization’s social pages, because such communication is an obligatory part of an advocacy project, which helps to form public opinion without distorting information.