Allocation of national funding for HIV services in Republika Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

This is not just a huge step towards sustaining services for HIV key vulnerable populations. For the first time, we were able to advocate successfully for the allocation of state funding for HIV and harm reduction services in Republika Srpska!

Problem and task

To date, financial support and investment in HIV prevention and harm reduction services have been carried out at the state level (Ministry of Civil Affairs) and in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Federal Ministry of Health). At the same time, the Republika Srpska, an entity within Bosnia and Herzegovina, having its own budget, did not allocate funds for these purposes.


As a result of prolonged negotiations and numerous advocacy events, a member of the #SoS_project consortium, NGO ‘Viktorija’ working in the field of HIV prevention and harm reduction in Republic of Srpska, met with the President of Republic of Srpska and Minister of Health and Social Welfare. As a result of this meeting, a press release was issued in which the President publicly confirmed his commitment to supporting projects aimed at combating addiction-related diseases. Earlier the head of the NGO ‘Viktorija’ Dr. Sanja Stanic and head of “Partnerships in Health” Ms. Aida Kurtovic have met with the Minister of Health and Social Welfare of Republic Srpska. 

It is important to note that this decision had been already made at the time when restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic were already introduced in Republic of Srpska. While most countries, on the contrary, are revising previously approved health budgets to reduce funding for programs in order to find funds to combat COVID-19.


NGO ‘Viktorija’ received national funding of about € 40,000 to support fight against addiction in Republic of Srpska and the work of drop-in centers providing harm reduction services for people who inject drug. In addition, extra funds of approximately € 25,000 were allocated to conduct a study on drug-related issues in schools. The funds are already in the account of the organization.

However, the best result can be called the following. Funding for harm reduction services was included in the Operational Plan and approved by the Government of Republic if Srpska as part of the implementation of the Opioid Control Strategy. The Operational Plan does not include only work with PWID, but also work with people serving sentences in prisons.