HIV Prevention in Armenia during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Sergey Gabrielyan
Chairman, NGO "New Generation"
Today we are all very vigilant and must understand the importance of working with vulnerable groups, being with them and fighting with them. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, protecting yourself will protect others.
Armenia, like many countries of the world, was no exception during to the spread of a new type of coronovirus (COVID-19) and its consequences. Since March 2020, the virus has shown a frightening growth rate, accompanied by deaths. A critical issue was maintaining the sustainability of services for key groups and adapting them to meet emergency challenges.
The team of the New Generation, realizing the seriousness of the situation, especially for vulnerable groups, switched to new methods of implementing HIV prevention programs, within the framework of which the following services are provided:
- Dissemination of information on COVID-19 along with information on HIV and AIDS
- Information is taken from WHO, UNAIDS and the Ministry of Health of Armenia
- Delivery of condoms and lubricants to beneficiaries in convenient places, while maintaining conditions of social distance and hygiene rules
- Delivery of HIV tests to beneficiaries for self-testing
- An online platform for ordering tests and registering results has been created
- Provision of medical masks and disinfectants
- Provision of temporary residences (shelters), financial assistance and food packages to beneficiaries who need it
- Assistance in registering and redirecting beneficiaries to participate in state social programs under COVID-19 conditions
- Psychological and legal 24/7 online consultation
- Online HIV counseling by outreach workers
- Translation of UNAIDS documents, which are published in connection with COVID-19, into Armenian
To prevent the spread of infection, the Ministry of Health announced the call for volunteers. The NGO ‘New Generation’ shared this announcement with employees and volunteers. As a result, more than 20 employees of the organization were registered as social workers and translators to make a voluntary contribution to the fight against COVID-19, and many were already actively involved in the work.
To prevent the spread of infection, the Ministry of Health announced the call for volunteers. The NGO ‘New Generation’ shared this announcement with employees and volunteers. As a result, more than 20 employees of the organization were registered as social workers and translators to make a voluntary contribution to the fight against COVID-19, and many were already actively involved in the work.
Taking into account the situation and the appeal of the government, it is urgent to provide support to those in need who are in their homes and cannot afford to buy enough food and other necessary things.
In early April, the “New Generation” launched a fundraising campaign in addition to the National Program of Armenia, which aims to meet the needs of risk groups (people who inject drugs, commercial sex workers, LGBT people, people living HIV, the elderly, refugees and migrants) and help people in need by buying food and other essentials.
All necessary actions have been taken and during the quarantine period more than 200 people have already received assistance and support.
Sustainability in the real world is created by real people

Zhenya Mayilyan
Chairlady, NGO "Real World, Real People"
Make the most of your efforts and mobilize all your strength to ensure continuity of services and ARV therapy for people living with HIV and for key populations. It is uniquely in the power of each of us to minimize the negative consequences of COVID-19. This requires a balanced approach, the ability to be flexible and willing to change.
During the coronavirus pandemic, the key task for us was to ensure the continuity of treatment for people living with HIV, both in Armenia and abroad. At the same time, our work should be focused on providing access to free syringes and alcohol wipes for injecting drug users, ensuring the prevention of HIV infection and reducing the risk of coronavirus infection. It was also important to ensure that key populations and people living with HIV were informed of the necessary preventive measures in the context of protection against coronavirus.
These are the tasks faced by the NGO “Real World, Real People” team as an organization implementing programs on “Care and Support for PLHIV” and “HIV Prevention among IDUs” in Armenia.
Proactive work of social workers. We took control of the situation and took the initiative: our social workers, peer counselors contacted the beneficiaries of services to clarify the supply of ARVs and provide information on the necessary preventive measures to protect against coronavirus.
Hotline is a strategic communication platform. In March-April, more than 850 calls were registered on the organization’s hotline, and our team switched to an every day work schedule, without days off.
The organization’s employees and outreach workers (about 38 people in total) were provided with personal protective equipment.
Provide support to people in OST programs. The employees of ‘Real World, Real People’ decided to help raise and provide funds for two months of methadone therapy to people who became insolvent due to COVID-19 and the state of emergency, but who received methadone replacement therapy for a fee.
In March-April 2020, ARVs were received and delivered to the home for 963 people, of which 798 were in Armenia and 165 outside the country. Citizens residing outside Armenia were sent to regional partner organizations to receive ARVs. About 80 people were provided with food and prevention supplies. During the state of emergency, free syringes and alcohol wipes were available for IDUs throughout Armenia.
None of the organization’s employees or outpatients were infected with the coronavirus. A two-month payment of methadone therapy was provided for individuals who became insolvent due to COVID-19.