HIV testing and support for homeless people

Due to the pandemic of the coronavirus infection COVID-19, many of the homeless people lost regular support, and adequate access to medical services, which were difficult to get at the usual time, became practically impossible. The high level of stigma and discrimination in the terms of which they live increases the risk of contracting not only COVID-19, but also tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis and other diseases.

Quarantined HIV

Since March, the Minsk City Hospital for Infectious Diseases on Kropotkin Street began to work with patients who have diagnosed with COVID-19. But it is the only health facility in the city that deals with the issue of dispensation of ART medications. In order to separate the flows, the hospital made various entrances, but it is still psychologically difficult for HIV-positive people to come there. A lot of patients preferred to be self-isolated. The social workers from the organization Positive Movement decided to deliver therapy to people at home so that no one had to interrupt treatment.

Sustainability of services for the transgender community in an emergency

It is estimated that there are 8,100 PLHIV in Azerbaijan, 6,804 of which were registered with the HIV service at the beginning of 2020. The HIV epidemic in Azerbaijan is concentrated among key populations, with the most significant epidemic process among IDUs and MSM. The transgender (TG) community is becoming more visible in Azerbaijan.