Harm reduction room and saving lives

«The challenges that appeared with the COVID-19 pandemic have also affected the work of our harm reduction room. We adapted the interaction between social workers and patients. And, what is very important, we initiated work in the Sumy region to amend and improve at the legislative level the guidelines for work in the field of harm reduction in connection with COVID-19, so that the service remains stable even during an emergency».


Before the coronavirus pandemic, the Sumy harm reduction room was operating in usual regime. It was the first room of such kind in the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Services such as counseling, testing, distribution of preventive kits, self-help groups, information sessions, and a preventive service for using the room for safe use and safe disposal of used tools were provided. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to comply with WHO preventive measures, adjustments were needed to the harm reduction room. We faced with 2 equally important tasks: to maintain the sustainability of services, while it was also necessary to provide employees and patients with means of protection and prevention of coronavirus infection.


We continued to provide services as usual, also from Monday to Friday, using the ‘through the window’ service format: clients continue to receive counseling, syringes, condoms, lubricants, etc. In exceptional cases, if you need a consultation of a social worker, testing or space for consumption, then, in compliance with all safety measures, the client receives these services directly in the office. Clients and social workers are in the office exclusively in a mask and gloves. According to the requirements for maintaining a safe distance, only 1 patient can now stay in the room during consultation, testing or use. After consultation, appropriate disinfection is carried out in the room.


Thanks to the taken measures, the entire functionality of the harm reduction room services remained available to patients in full and the sustainability of the provision of preventive services was ensured.

Every day from 10 to 40 people use the services of the harm reduction room. Vital services continue to work in the new environment, in a safe space created for the community of people who use drugs. Preservation of such a unique service allows people to have free access to a wide range of vital services for them, located in a place where they feel trust, receive the necessary support and, as a result, effective prevention of the spread of HIV and other dangerous infectious diseases are being provided in Sumy.